Meet the founder

Quantanique Williams Moore is a Holistic Practitioner and Creative specializing in empowering women to live their best lives and vibrate at their highest level. With a passion for health and wellness, she is dedicated to educating, encouraging, and reminding individuals of their power serving  humanity in mind, body, and spirit.

After completing her Journey of Young Women program, which focuses on facilitating circles for young women coming of age. Through this program, she experience a greater acceptance of self and a deep reverence for the earth and nature.

Quantanique offers expert coaching and doula services, inspired by her experience as a USAF supervisor and mentor. With a background in food service, and fitness, and a passion for nutrition and yoga, she is committed to helping clients find in peace and a lifestyle of wellness. Massage was an added modality to complement the above interest and to further care for others.

She offers a holistic approach to personal growth and self-empowerment, guiding individuals toward embracing their true selves and living a life of authenticity and self-love. With a range of services designed to support clients on their journey, Quantanique empowers individuals to be their best selves.

Mission & Approach

Mission: Help women indulge in self-care/ love through holistic means with integrity and authenticity. To provide a safe haven to relax, be nurtured and freely be themselves. To educate, encourage and remind the of their power.

Approach: When working with a client I address the whole person: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. I do this because they are all interconnect and play a role in the overall health of a person. The nutrition I address is that which feeds the mind, body and spirit.

Credentials, education, training and other experience

  • Certificate of Excellence in Holistic Nutrition (Southwest Institute of Healing Arts SWIHA)2017

  • Certificate of Excellence in Life Coaching (SWIHA)2018

  • First Level Degree in the Usui Reiki Method of Healing 2019

  • Certificate in Integrative Health and Fitness (American College of Health Science ACHS) 2021

  • Holistic Doula Training (A Life of Peace Wellness Education Institute ALOP) 2021

  • Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (Anjali Yoga Academy) 2021

  • Certified Peaceful Babes Kids Yoga Teacher 2022

  • Peristeam Facilitator Certification (Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute by Steamy Chick) 2022 * special courses in Steaming for Labor Prep & Steaming for Postpartum Recovery

  • 200hr Hatha Yoga Teacher Training 2022

  • Maternity Reiki Certification (ALOP) 2022

  • Diploma of Graduation in Massage Therapy (Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy CIMT) 2022

  • Certified Neuromuscular Therapist (International Academy of Neuromuscular Therapies) 2022

  • Certified Transformation Nutrition Coach with Special concentration in Mental Wellness and Emotional Eating (Institute of Transformational Nutrition) 2023

  • Certified Personal Trainer (International Sports Science Association ISSA)

  • Group Fitness Specialist (ISSA)